Ok, Monday Night Football is pretty stellar. But is there anything better than sitting on the couch with my honey watching old school delicious episodes of everyone's favorite? I mean, Jerry is good times people. I was just feeling rather lucky and wanted to write about it.
We actually didn't get to watch much football tonight because of a little escapade to my hysterical niece's 3rd birthday dinner. At a sushi restaurant nonetheless. What 3 year old loves sushi restaurants? Ok, she loves the "dragon noonles" they put together for her...and who can resist the picture with the cat? For those of you who do sushi, you know what I'm talking about. That Polaroid is priceless- especially when it's of a brand new "3 year old" with her Super Duper Outrageously Cute All Teeth No Smile Cheeeeese Smile. Precious. And then after the birthday festivities it was off to visit my cat and roommate (who apparently felt it necessary to buy us a FAKE Christmas tree this year...the roommate, not the cat) and then back up to Scottsdale with Ben for a little Monday night grocery run. Yeah, he's a good boyfriend. He skips out on massive amounts of football to go meander around TJ's in the search for the perfect meats. We spent a good 13 minutes in the meat section. We buy a whole lotta chicken, every time. Gross. Haha! But don't worry, we got back to his apartment with about 2.5 minutes left in the game. You're welcome baby.
I made it through the whole work day yet again. It's becoming almost regular again for me to go to work all day. It had been such a long time of an hour here, an hour there (on a good day). It's nice to feel normal. I had some pain up in my chest again today, I think it's from being on my period. I'm still bleeding by the way. Not too heavy, but it's there- just to make me crazy I think. Oh body, you're so sneaky.
Ps- Ben and I were channel surfing a little bit ago before landing on the inevitable Seinfeld re-runs and stumbled upon "Intervention". We've watched about a quarter of this show once and it's kinda terrifying to be honest. But the description said "32 year old hairstylist has endometriosis". Ok, on an Intervention show? This is the show where they trick the people with these awful disgusting horrible habits into thinking they're in a documentary and then throw an intervention from their loved ones at them, right? Is endometriosis a habit now? We had to watch. First scene, homegirl's doing meth AND heroine and discussing her two previous overdoses in the last six months. Um...ok? Well, the back story showed up and what do you know. She was a Mormon woman who had a lot of pressure on her to get married and have a big family, lots of kids... She was diagnosed with endometriosis at 30 and after surgery was prescribed Lortab for the pain. Well, she started popping pills and eventually stole a prescription pad from a doctor and wrote scripts for Lortab for herself!!! She ended up being a convicted felon from this little mistake and had to go to drug counseling. So, of course, she started doing meth and heroine instead- to escape the pain from the endo and from not being able to have children. I. Was. Blown. Away. What a wonderful story to hear about. I feel awful for this woman, but c'mon. So many of us are dealing with this in such a better way...I guess it empowered me a little. But it also really opened my eyes to how bad it COULD be. I'm lucky I have self control, I'm lucky I have such wonderful support, and I'm lucky that I'm absolutely terrified of pill popping...and heroine.
Lupron Journal:
Chest pain is still present and a little worse than usual (6) at times during the day. It's kind of up under my sternum right now, and on the right side by my liver...ish. Still bleeding, but lighter. I've been super super hungry lately, I don't know if that's related- but I've heard it can be. I'm definitely gaining mad amounts of weight (but not working out at all right now...so no fault but my own). And by the way friends, I've totally been breaking out and it suuuuucks! I'm like a teenager here. Gross. I'm blaming it on the Lupron because I've NEVER had skin problems. gross gross gross. Oh joy!
10 Ways I Attempt to Be a Leader of Leaders
I try to be a leader of leaders. I love, welcome and appreciate followers,
but as much as possible I want to lead people who are going to lead. I’ve...
1 comment:
Yeahhhhhh, my skin was not so pretty when I was on the Lupron. Ughhhhh!
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