I've been trying to walk more, just get moving and see what that can do for me. Unfortunately, I haven't had the greatest experience with this "get off the couch" movement. My diaphragm is rebelling against me. It's getting worse right now, but I tried the whole lying around not doing anything situation for a while and all that happened was an excess of cellulite... so I'm gonna try to keep walking through the pain. I'm not doing any intense workouts or anything- just a little "one foot infront of the other" action. Is that too much to ask?
I worked all day plus some today! I love that. Just saying it feels good. My diaphragm makes it difficult every once in a while, but it's not as bad as when I couldn't breathe and my lower abdomen was also screaming at me. So it's a great feeling to get through a whole day of work, even if it's with some pain. Today was my first day in my new department. I'm in a 15 month accelerated management program at work and we rotate every three months through the company. This is my second rotation and it's a project based rotation. So I'll be working on a few projects to help the department and I really want to be there. I don't want to have to tell everyone in my new department what's going on with me. That's my goal: let them believe that I'm fine, that I don't have anything wrong. And of course to blow them away with my awesome skills... ;)
Lupron Journal:
Walking is still hurting my diaphragm, but it's bearable (5). I've had some sharp pains all over my abdomen randomly that come and go really quickly (7). I haven't had too many hot flashes at all- but every once in a while they come. I personally think they're really funny! I haven't had one in a really awkward moment or anything though. But I just get really sweaty and hot and feel like my face is on fire. It makes me laugh! My face is cleared up pretty much now, so I guess that wasn't really Lupron...I don't know. The mood swings are a little less frequent right now, but I'm super easily irritated all the time. Once again, I feel bad for Ben. He's such a champion! I'm getting my second injection tomorrow, we'll see how this goes. Fingers Crossed!!! I'm also getting a bone scan tomorrow and I'm gonna find out about the tests we did on my adrenals. I'm guessing everything came back normal if I haven't heard from them yet.
We're going Christmas tree shopping tonight. We've already been shopping around to find a good one :) We're thinking just a little guy for Ben's apartment would be nice. His apartment isn't big, and we found a 6' tree for $20 that we might keep. We'll see tonight. Now if only we could get a puppy... haha!
10 Ways I Attempt to Be a Leader of Leaders
I try to be a leader of leaders. I love, welcome and appreciate followers,
but as much as possible I want to lead people who are going to lead. I’ve...
1 comment:
Now, what are they doing the bone scan for? I'm sorry your diaphragm is bothering you so. Hope you had fun xmas tree shopping!
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