Lupron Journal:
I've had some increase in abdominal pain since my last post. This pain is kind of all over the place though, so I'm having trouble pin pointing what it is. It definitely hurts pretty bad under my ribs, where my liver is. But my actual ribs have been hurting quite a bit, like I got into a fight or something. It feels almost like muscle pain. And it's on both sides. Yesterday was worse than today, so it's starting to go away- but it was super weird. I thought maybe I fell or something, but no luck. Just random pain apparently. I've been dealing with some crazy sleep patterns as well. I'm ridiculously tired all day, and can't get out of bed if my life depended on it. And then around 8:00pm or so, I'm wide awake. I could go climb trees or something. It's awful! So I've been trying to nap during the times that I'm tired so I can get some sleep- last night I fell asleep at 8:30...but then I woke up at 11:00pm and couldn't fall asleep til 1:30am. Oy!
So at this point, I'm wrestling with all kinds of emotions, thoughts, "symptoms"...I can't get them all straight. With these past test results- high cortisol, high aldosterone, no ACTH stimulation- I'm so confused about what's going on in my body. I've been doing research of course, and I've found so many Cushing's Disease symptoms that match what I've been going through. But so many of these symptoms are menopausal as well. And so many match up with endometriosis, and PCOS, and Hashimoto's... what do I do with all of that?
So I'm getting an MRI of my pituitary next Tuesday to see if there's anything there causing any problems. And then I have another appointment with my endocrinologist in January to go over everything and see what the next steps are. All I know is that I need to get my cortisol levels down, because that can only lead to bad things.
My next step on the home front is trying to alleviate some stress. I can't do anything more about work, I've gotten everything as organized as I can. The rest of the work has to happen. But I need to focus on getting some good sleep so my body can heal, and trying to relax! I'm gonna go back to getting massages hopefully, and I'd really like to start yoga again. We'll see how this plan goes...
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I try to be a leader of leaders. I love, welcome and appreciate followers,
but as much as possible I want to lead people who are going to lead. I’ve...
Thinking about you! Try to take care of yourself and not stress too much. Easier said than done...I've been a ball of nerves lately myself. I hope everything goes well next week with the scan and such, and, I hope this week is already getting better!!!
Oh I am thinking of you lots and hoping things settle down for you soon and you get some answers you can work with. Take care of yourself as best you can.
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