I hate doctor's appointments that leave me feeling like I need to spend the next two months googling and 'webmd'ing everything. So I got a bonescan today at the endocrinologist for some adrenal system testing he's been doing. I got a bunch of bloodwork done at the beginning of November, and we were supposed to go over it all as well as the bone scan today. Well, apparently I've "lost some bone" and have "excessively high levels of steroid in my blood". What? Come again? Oh, ok, high cortisol. I understood that. And apparently high aldosterone...never heard of that. Well, now I have to go get an MRI of my brain to "see where it's coming from" is all that he said. Ok...to see where it's coming from- I'm thinking, maybe the MRI will show little firing signs: "Oh, THERE's the cortisol and the aldosterone...ok, now let's treat it". No, upon googling- the ultimate in accurate researching- I found that high levels of cortisol and aldosterone are frequently caused by pituitary tumors. Now that makes sense as to why I have to get an MRI and "see where it's coming from"...he wants to see if there's a tumor that's causing the excess production. Oh ok, sounds good. WHATTTT? Is this right? I know- benign tumor most likely, but what the heck? I hate that. And they simply told me they'd be calling my insurance to see if I need pre-authorization, and that can take "a couple of weeks" and then they would call the scanning place to have them call me to set up an appointment usually "a couple weeks or so after that"... I mean, honestly people. So in about a month or so I may be able to in fact get the MRI and then I have to wait for the doctor to call me if I need to come in to talk about the results. Probably "a couple weeks later" I'm guessing. Good Lord. So in approximately 6 months I'll be able to rest easy. Ridiculous. You do NOT tell me this when I'm menopausal...and you do NOT make me wait on scheduling for months before I can find out what's actually going on. I mean, I'm bound to cause a bit of a ruckus. It's my job, I'm chemically hormonal. What would we do without the wonderful chemically hormonal women out there? We make the world interesting. You think you've got women figured out? Throw one of us in the mix, and watch your head spin.
Alright, I'm just irritated. But does anyone know what any of this mean? Anyone have high cortisol or aldosterone? I asked the doctor if Lupron would affect any of this and he said no. And I can't see Lupron causing bone loss this early, especially because I'm doing a tiny bit of add-back therapy and I've been going crazy on the calcium and vitamin D.
I also got my second Lupron Injection this morning. It didn't hurt at all again. Everything's the same as yesterday except for my emotional outbursts due to my lovely endocrinology appointment. I still have pretty gnarley diaphragm pain...I'm waiting ever so patiently (haha) for that to go away. I wake up every morning thinking this could be the day, no more pain walking or breathing...nope, not today friend- not today.
Help me. Maybe my googling skills are below par. I saw references to Cushing's Syndrome, Conn's Disease, hyperplasia, stress, and some form of thyroid disease. I know I have high levels of thyroglobulin antibodies as well (Hashimoto's disease)...I wonder if that's related. And is the endometriosis related? I had high cortisol once in a test about two years ago but we never looked into it. It wasn't as high as it is now. I've never even heard of aldosterone... If anyone has any ideas about any of this I'd love to know. Waiting for who knows how long to find "actual" answers isn't my forte. ;)
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Well I can only give you my experience with Lupron, I hope it helps a little.
I was on Lupron for 3 months, had endo surgery and then on for 3 months again. With Lupron I had all sorts hot flashes, mood swings -- the nurse in the doctors office hated to see me coming. I was a Bitch! She was also a lazy nurse!
Any how,I had a lot of pain in my joints, took the add back meds but I put up with the pain and blamed it on the Lupron. My last Lupron shot was in May and I've been feeling ok since I got off.
I'd say don't stress too much until you finish the Lupron and see what happens.
You know, since they know you have some bone issues...you may want to let whoever is treating you with the Lupron know. It seems as it wouldn't be the Lupron this soon, but, you never know. And, it can cause further bone loss, so, it's something they may want to keep an eye on. I took a vitamin called Osteoprime when I was on Lupron to help prevent any loss. I'm not sure if it worked-I've never had any work up on my bone mineral density, but, it didn't hurt for sure to make it. Anyway, you definitely should at least let your GYN know.
I don't have a lot of background information on the blood levels. The Lupron does act on your pituitary gland as well...might want to run it by your GYN too.
Go with your gut. And, I totally get it about WAITING with the healthcare system. Unfortunately, they are not as into getting things done ASAP as we are. It is so frustrating! Thiking about you this way. Try not to stress too much...that definitely won't help anything. Stay positive, and hopefully the answers will come soon!
Cushing's will cause a lot of the problems you are having. Many endos don't know as much about Cushing's as they think they do. We went from KS to CA to see an expert in Cushing's.
High cortisol is a sure sign of Cushing's. Even if you get some normal results it probably only means that you cycle. Check out
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