I'm not at work again, instead I'm sitting at the computer in Ben's kitchen. That makes me laugh at least, sitting on a huge office chair in the middle of a tiny kitchen, staring at a computer screen that takes up one of only three real countertops available. Especially because Ben has a whole "dining room" sitting empty right beside me, but the man refuses to buy a table. He feels a dining room table is illogical. He wants a desk. But does not actually get a desk. And so, the computer is in the kitchen. Laughs, always laughs! I love that man!
Last night I decided I might try to make it into work this afternoon! The pain was a bit better last night, and I made a commanding decision that I'm not doing myself any good by waiting! So I'm going to try to make it to work to actually sit at my desk, take some phone calls, and champ out. I know, I'm awesome. You don't have to tell me. I impress myself everyday. Ha. It's the small victories, y'all know that.
I'm still waiting for the call on the Lupron. I know they said three weeks possibly, but I never thought it would really take that long. So I'm still hoping I'll get a call this week or something. We'll see.
Most important point of today's post- Ben and I went grocery shopping last night for the Endo Diet! I've never really tried to do any sort of food changes to help all of this, except for cutting out dairy because, well, I'm lactose intolerant and I just should. But I went wheat/gluten free last night at the store. And I'm cutting back on red meat! And I'm gonna go ahead and try to eat pretty organic from here on out too. And...drumroll...I'm gonna cut back on sugar. Probably. haha! TJ's is the absolute best store ever, Ben hadn't ever been there before he met me. He's a lucky man nowadays. ;) I spent over $100 but I think it was really worth it. I'm going to get better; Lupron, diet, surgery, whatever. Bring on the silver lining!
So it's time for me to take a shower. That's right, a shower! And focus on it not hurting as badly as yesterday. (I still have some cramping, upset stomach, sharp pains in my lower right abdomen- right ovary, and that pesky rib pain! The worst is that I KNOW that it gets worse when I move around more, hence the three weeks without working. But three weeks is long enough. Goodness!)
After I start working a little more, I'll build up with that, then I'm going to start walking again. Baby steps! And eventually I want to hit the gym again sometime soon, because from what I've read, exercise has really helped some with the Lupron. I'm just hoping I don't get the massive headaches. I've never suffered from headaches, and I don't know how I would handle that. :( But, it's all in the battle.
7 Quick but Powerful Reminders for Pastors
I have quick – but powerful reminders for pastors. I’ve still been a
pastor for less time than I was in the marketplace in my career but I’ve
hit the......
I hope you don't get headaches! I never did. I did get hot flashes though, even on the add back. It's weird, and not how you think it would be. Cold water does wonders!
I really like food, and, I have a hard time cutting things out sometimes. I REALLY need to get better. My hubby likes food too-he isn't much help in that department. And, sometimes it's hard when you aren't feeling well to eat right. I give myself a lot of excuses don't I?
I love cheese...I cannot give up cheese! I've started eating more organic meats and dairy's. COFFEE and CAFFEINE are the best cuts I've made so far. I can really tell a difference when I cheat and have some (dude, pumpkin spice lattes are out now!).
I hope the diet changes go well! Maybe you could share some recipes you will use sometime in near posts? :) Sometimes I just need direction!
After my surgery in 2005 I had a mirena coil fitted and after 3 months of heavy bleeding it suddenly stopped but I also suddenly developed an inability to eat pretty much anything without being ill. The doctors were completely useless in figuring this out so I just went with trying to cut certain things out and then reintroducing them one by one to see how I reacted to them. I found that wheat was a killer - that gave me cramps akin to period pains and sugar made me feel so sick as did dairy. I found that changing my diet was so hard at the beginning and sometimes I still miss things but it really has made a difference - I'm not pain-free by any means but I'm also not adding to the pain anymore. I hope your new diet goes well and if you want any cool recipes to try give me a shout as we have loads :o)
I hope you manage to make it to work - I always found that being unable to do something made me feel ten times worse because it depressed me. I'm thinking of you.
Also if you send me an email to dreamslastforever@hotail.com I'll send you the link and password to my endo blog (I am still thinking of making it public but as yet it is still private)
Take care of yourself
Amanda x
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