Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Engaged!

I almost forgot how to log into this, it's been so long. But priorities have changed...and I'm very very thankful :) Ben proposed to me at Disneyland the night before my birthday. It was the single most perfect proposal I have ever heard of, and I cried like a little girl. It was beautiful, and I don't know how I managed to snag such a stellar man.

So now we're in uber wedding-planning mode. We decided we're going to get hitched in October of this year, which means not a whole lotta time to pull it all together. But we're ready for it! I already bought my wedding dress, and I la la love it! It's really a great dress, and I'm super excited to put it on in October and see Ben's face :) Now we're just finalizing the venue and the date. We should have that done by the beginning of next week.

On top of all of that, we're buying a house. Super exciting, and at times very fun, but a lot of stress to add to wedding planning. We put an offer on one house already but it fell through. So it's back to the drawing board. We've got time though, so that's good.

All in all it's been a very exciting month! I'm pretty impressed with how I'm handling the stress of it all. Working out has taken a deep back seat to my new priorities, but that can't last long. I'm lookin' to lose 20 pounds by wedding I've gotta get those tennies strapped on! Speaking of that...

The health side of things has been a roller coaster. But I have to say, it's been a much more enjoyable roller coaster to be on recently. I'm feeling ok most of the time. I can get out of bed without too much trouble, I'm losing weight, I'm actually able to work out here and there. It still cycles though. I've gone through a couple of "bad spurts" when I couldn't move in the morning, I gained all kinds of weight out of nowhere, I got a rash on my legs/arms, I broke out...the list goes on. But those spurts were short compared to the good times recently, so I'm very thankful.

The one piece that just won't go away is the endometriosis...and all of the joys that come with that. Right now my rib pain is under control, but that's not constant. It comes back from time to time and it's gnarley! And then there's the rectal bleeding (sorry, I know)...and the lower right quadrant pain, ouch! We've been investigating these pieces quite a bit more lately, and the Mayo Clinic docs want to actually look into them as individual problems aside from the endo. So today I had the joy of a VCUG and a cystoscopy...I want to hurt the nurses who said those were no big deal. Yeah, no big deal for them. But could you prepare me for the ridiculously painful urination afterward, the bleeding urethra, the impossible bladder spasms?? awkward. I'm also getting a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy in a couple of weeks...NOT looking forward to that. They want to check to see if the endo has imbedded in my bowel, and if I for real have Celiac Disease. Doc thinks I do, but I'm not so sure. Either way, I'm getting the shaft of this deal. What a horrible day that will be...

Cushing's testing has been put on hold for the time being...and that was my call. Dr. Friedman gave me all of the scripts to do everything, but I'm just not able to get to that right now. I can't take time off to do 24 hour urine collections and such. No time. I'm sure I've had a couple of "highs", if that's what we want to call it. But I can't deal with all of that on top of everything. I just want to pretend like I'll be all better forever...and maybe I just will be. But if not, right now I want to live in my fairy tale and enjoy my wedding preparation. Once in a lifetime :)